MoovCiné - Movies and series to stream or downloadOur selections of films, videos, series, cartoons to watch and download wherever you are and whenever you want thanks to the MoovCiné application!Enjoy the best of cinema on your mobile now!And so that your favorite movies follow you everywhere, the application is mobile and tablet compatible. You can therefore use it on all your devices!The MoovCine application is:- Several hundred movies, TV series and cartoons in streaming and unlimited download- A non-binding subscription, can be canceled online at any time- Many programs available in high definition, VF or VOST- With each program: the trailer (if any), the complete cast, the synopsis and suggestions of films of the same genre- The ability to watch your programs on 3 screens simultaneously- Thanks to the download, your movie library is accessible even when you do not have an internet connection. Your favorite programs go with you anywhere, even on transport!- Intuitive and fast, the ergonomics of the MoovCine application have been developed to make its use as pleasant as possible- Also find MoovCine and all your favorite movies online on your computer, PC or MacThank you for your help and support,... and above all good film!